tiistai 11. elokuuta 2015

My picture of the world fits different values to a well working whole

My thinking seems to be well fitted to making some remarks about what new flags etc should be like in certain important respects and what a good interpretation of an old flag should take into account.
My picture of the world fits together different values with the idea of a healthy society and healthy worls with healthy natural ways of living. The healthy is what our nature guides us toward, so health is the typical characteristic of many important values, which can be seen as some sides of an ideally healthy society etc.
The comparison of healthy versus broken gives a power analyzis which supports highly respected values which we feel emotionally and morally important.
The concept of health generalizes to "a (1.) well planned (2.) opitimized whole which is (3.) used wisely in the light of one's whole objective picture of the world". So this power analyzis can be used in the modern world too and applied also to technology. Important characteristics like "a whole that works well together", maintain their wisdom when the society includes also artificial man-made things like computers, cars, houses etc.

A healthy world: my book at http://2013paradise.blogspot.fi/2011/12/new-paradise-like-era.html
Healthy versus broken: http://healthilymoral.blogspot.fi/2011/08/world-is-of-love.html
Different values fitted together via the concept of healthy world: http://paratiisiteoria.blogspot.fi/2014/12/vajaat-30-paratiisia-parhaana.html
Threath scenarios opposed with the help of healthy practices in a society: http://paratiisiteoria.blogspot.fi/2013/09/paratiisissa-on-kaarme.html

Healthy natural ages old ways of living and healthy ways of doing things   http://finnishskills.blogspot.fi/2015/11/healthy-ways-of-living.html

1 kommentti:

  1. I am not sure if this suits flags etc. Byt maybe you mean that I ought to add here a link to my blog about curing by comparing with healthy ways of living, curingguesses.blogspot.com and the Finnish orihinal parantamisesta.blogspot.com . But curing isn't my profession. I am a writer philosopher, composer, with an interest in nature and healthy ages old ways of living.
